Sunday, September 21, 2014

washi my WALL

Nothing beats a DIY weekend- so let's get started!

If you've been reading my blog for the last two weeks, you'll know that I have been wanting to enhance my bedroom.  I have a simple platform bed, so I do not have a headboard to be the focal point of my room.  I thought large artwork would do the trick, but it just needs something more.

So, this brings us to the next evolution.  I've known about Washi tape for crafts, but recently learned it's great for removable wall decor.  I found some great inspiration images through Pinterest, and decided to use a plus-sign motif from my bedding.

This DIY project cost about $2.00, and was completed in less than 2 hours- so great!

My cutting board with a grid on it was perfect for this project.  I rolled out about 5" of tape on the board.  I cut two lengths of 1.75" (Starting at the 5" mark, cut at 3.25" and 1.5" marks)  Then take one piece, and cross it over the other piece to create a plus-sign.

The wall is 154"L x 93"H.  I wanted to space my design by 18", so I divided each measurement by 18.  That resulted in 5 rows and 9 columns for this design.

I was planning to eyeball the placement of each plus-sign, but decided I should measure out one full length across the wall to be my guide for this installation.  I wanted a window design (offset from the row above), so I measured the first spot to be 9" centered from the row above.

I marked my guides with a small piece of tape.  Next I took my plus-signs and replaced the small pieces I used as markers.

I was surprised how fast it was going.  I eye-balled the rows above and below my guide row.  I drew imaginary lines with my finger to help place my next spot.

Here is the last plus-sign!  I installed the whole wall on my own, so don't feel overwhelmed by a large wall.  Just take it one piece at a time, and you'll be just fine.

And here is my first full glance of my Washi wall- this is fantastic! Now the pattern from my shams is repeated in a larger scale on my wall

Now, over to the left you can see how it leads into the adjacent wall.

I am so happy with this DIY!  The subtle pattern is just enough to draw attention to the wall, but doesn't distract you from the real features of the design. Our beautiful photography from our wedding is still the focal point.  ( Coincidentally, today is our 23 month anniversary <3 )

And now, just like every good reveal, here is the BEFORE...

...And here is the sparkling AFTER!

I hope that this has inspired you to enhance a wall in your own home.  Washi tape is a low cost and easy way to add some personality to your space.  My favorite part of this installation is that it feels like stars twinkling in the sky (a bit cheesy, I know, but true).

The traditional design philosophy to use repetition of a fabric pattern in a room, but now using the same pattern in a different scale, is a great way to 'missmatch' your style~

Also, if you missed the last 2 week's posts for this series...
when you don't have A HEADBOARD
the concept and INSPIRATION


Photography: by my husband and I


  1. What an easy way to transform a wall and make a fresh statement! This made me think of tufting or buttons in upholstery. I also thought of using the die cut machine or decorative punch to make shapes to go with a theme. Maybe pink bunnies or sky blue teddy bears or silver stars or little red apples or primary colored buttons . . . I really like this idea.

    1. Oooh, I never thought of it as tufting, but now I totally see it! That could even be creative on a basic bench. Thanks for your perspective~


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