Sunday, May 18, 2014

Time to Change

Yes, you're at the right place! It looks a bit different here, right?

Well, for the last four weeks I have been taking an e-course series, Blogging Your Way, learning how to become a better blogger.  The course is taught by Holly Becker, the blogger of "decor8," and author of three books.   I have enjoyed this series so much.  Not only have I learned how to become a better blogger, but a better person, sincerely.

The course also goes on to discuss all social media, which I do not have much experience in.  During a lesson that touched on Pinterest, Holly said one little line that has stuck with me- "Be a picky Pinner."  The point being, don't just pin and pin.  For any of you who are on Pinterest, you know how easy it is to just keep clicking that mouse, and move from one pin to the next, and then next thing you know, an hours has passed...I've learned that what I pin is a reflection of me, even though it wasn't something I created.  During the last week or so, I have really taken that to heart.  I started looking at images on Pinterest with a new perspective.  Now I study the image: the lighting,  the backdrop, is there a person- the entire composition.  If I don't like a component of the image, I pass over it.  I have also taken the time to edit out pins that do not have the professional image I want my brand to have.  Editing my pins has made it a more engaging and thoughtful process, which I enjoy even more.

Another benefit, and enhancement, to my Pinterest boards are the variety of topics.  Holly explained how Pinterest is a great platform to express my other interests that I do not discuss on my blog.  What a relief!  While I love interior design, there are other topics I wanted to share, and now I can.  I hope you will all have a chance to check out my new and improved boards.  It's steadily growing, and it's so much fun.

One last point I learned about Pinterest, is to pin at intervals during the day.  I used to sit down for an hour or so in the evening when I came home from work.  I started to recognize other Pinners night after night, which I thought was good- a feel of community.  Now I understand that those are the same people seeing my pins, night after night.  I am trying to do thirty minutes here, and thirty minutes there so I see new people, and vice versa.

And lastly, I started a new board tonight titled after my new blog, "missmatch INTERIORS."  I pinned several perspectives of my Newlywed Apartment, which you all know so well.  I hope this will link some new readers to my blog.   My next goal is to start a Facebook page to share with friends as well.

Stay tuned over the next several weeks as I re-design my blog!

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